Jonathan Kolber
2 min readSep 5, 2021


Reminds me of an old Chinese proverb: A farmer had a prize stallion. One day it broke free, and ran away. The neighbors said, bad luck. Who knows, replied the farmer. The next week, the horse returned, leading a pack of wild horses, who were then corralled and tamed. Good luck, said the neighbors. We'll see, said the farmer.

The next year, the farmer's son fell, breaking his arm. Bad luck, he was told. Time will tell, he replied. A month later, a warlord came through, conscripting all of the able-bodied young men, none of whom was ever heard from again. The farmer's son was spared.

One could go on and on with this. For example, suppose the farmer's son, spared death in war, later accidentally killed someone. Bad luck, we would say. Then suppose that unfortunate person, who was scheduled to visit a big city, was found on autopsy to be Patient Zero for a horrible pandemic. Good luck, because that pandemic never happened....

Here's another example.. You see a man stab another man in the neck. Attempted murder, right? Then you learn that the stabber was a doctor, attempting to open an airway and prevent suffocation. Good, right? But what if he was psychotic, only thinking he was a doctor? Then might blame him for not seeking treatment earliet. But then you learn he had been slipped a psychosis-inducing drug (sleep driving-inducing Ambien, maybe?), and was--through no fault of his own--out of his mind. Now he's another victim, and someone else--as yet unknown--is the horrible person.

One can take away from such stories the realization that context gives meaning, and larger contexts give more meaning.

Even God, if all alone without a universe, would be without context and without meaning.



Jonathan Kolber

I think about how to create societies of sustainable, technological abundance. My book, A Celebration Society, offers one solution. It has been well received.